Please call 843-782-1030 for any after-hours water or sewer emergencies.
The City of Walterboro Finance Department is responsible for the many City functions involving money. These functions include the receipt of funds such as taxes, license fees, service charges, and other City revenues; payment of City expenses and employee payrolls; and investment of funds not yet needed.
The Finance Department engages in record keeping and reporting including a state-mandated audited annual financial report and monthly reports on City Operations designed to keep the City Council, City Manager, and Department Heads informed about the City's financial status. The Finance Department additionally assists the City Manager with the development and publication of the City's budget. Financial management services are provided by the Finance Department to the Water and Sewer Department. Finance provides administrative support to City departments in the process of inviting and awarding legally required bids for large City purchases.
Employment Responsibilities
The Finance Department is also responsible for the successful administration of various employment-related systems and programs including employee recruitment, employee development, compensation and benefits management, employee relations, and risk management. The Finance Department's activities promote the efficient and effective delivery of quality services to citizens and enhance safety within the community.
Other Responsibilities
The mission of the Finance Department is to provide high-quality financial services to all of its customers, both external and internal and to recruit and maintain an able and highly motivated workforce and assist the City government to operate in a financially responsible and fiscally sound manner, by:
- Providing accurate, complete, and timely information regarding the City's financial condition and transactions
- Protecting City assets against unauthorized use and managing City assets for their most productive use
- Administering the City's revenue ordinances and finance-related laws, regulations, and contracts in an efficient and equitable manner
- Providing administrative services to other City departments to obtain the supplies, equipment, and services they need.
- Implementing effective procedures for the timely liquidation of all properly documented City liabilities which ensures compliance with all legal requirements
- Maintaining a commitment to a high level of personal productivity and a continuous pursuit of the means for improving the Department's procedures and achieving significant personal satisfaction in the staff's professional roles
- Recruiting, orienting, and developing qualified and motivated employees dedicated to the service of the Walterboro community through its City government
- Working closely with all departments on personnel matters
- Promoting the fair and equitable application of personnel guidelines
- Assisting employees with work-related problems
- Coordinating a competitive compensation and benefits management program
- Encouraging open communication, active participation, and organizational identity
- Administering a comprehensive risk management program
Collecting Money
The Finance Department is also responsible for collecting all utility bills, licenses, taxes, and state-shared revenue. Payments for Finance, Utility Billing, Permits, Business licenses, and Wildlife Center deposits may be made at the City Services Building located at 300 Hampton St.
The utility bills you receive have historical information about your account, including a return payment envelope, and adding a special message area where the City may communicate important information regarding the City.
For your convenience, we offer a drive-thru and night deposit box.
Call 843-782-1065 for more information.